Kattstallet Åkeshov

I was very happy when I received a phone call from Kattstallet,Åkeshov.A place for homeless cats.They wanted me to come and photograph their lodgers and of course I said yes.They need all the help they can get at the moment;the landlord will not renew their contract as of december this year.This is a CATastrophy..all these homeless cats who have had a sanctuary there will have to move somewhere else.Do  you know anywhere?DO you know someone who can sponsor?Can you help.."every little helps"..?I will be there quite often now -volunteering. I am also planning a concert/show to try to raise some money.I urge you all-animal lovers and empathic human beings- to help..Please!!!Leaving you now with a very heavy heart and some pictures of the lovelies..who are looking for a loving home.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for these incredible photos. I just can't watch them enough!
Susanne (extra help at kattstallet)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ellie,
Many. many thanks for letting us share these fabulous photos of the
cats from Kattstallet, Åkeshov.
I am deeply impressed by your photos and as Susanne says: one can't have enough looking at them.
Looking forward to see many more photos taken by you.