Sofia and Mads....again:)

Two of my favourite people..Not a couple but don't they look good together?!..Sofia just came home after participating in Miss Civilisation of the World in Turkey-where,of course,she was a success.She needed some bikinishots so lovely mum Nina contacted me.She ,Sofia,is going to China soon for another modelling contest so we will keep our fingers crossed..I know she will do well:)..
Mads Korsgaard is a singer,actor,model from Denmark and I chose a deserted beach for our shoot this time.The two of them seem to attract attention..last time an octogenarian almost keeled over when Mads stripped down to his boxers..Deserted at first.,this place seemed ideal...for a couple of minutes then suddenly a "pack"of hungry fishermen turned up..Funnily enough,they all stood facing land with their fishing rods..
More pics will be uploaded..Thank you Nina,Sofia and Mads...


Unknown said...

Superfina bilder Ellie.. du är så duktig..

nathalie basurto said...

fina bilder

Ulle said...

ja det finns inte ord "som vanligt" när det gäller bilderna du tar..... "lifestyle magazine covers" nästa säger jag bara.... dyr kamerautrustning för massa pengar behövs inte när Ellie står bakom kameran.... fingertopps känsklan du har kommer INGEN annan i närheten av - hur mycket dom än försöker.... och DET är sanningen i kvadrat.... du ÄR bäst!!!!